TMS: A Bibliography of Transgender Studies in Media, Communication, and Technology

First published 13 August 2018
Last updated 6 June 2022


Topics of particular significance to transgender individuals and communities, as well as topics related to non-normative gender identities more generally, have only relatively recently emerged in communication, media studies, and other allied fields. Yet, despite being a relatively new domain of scholarly attention, the literature on transgender media and communication is abundant, and increasing daily. Thus, it is with great frustration that I often find myself reviewing manuscripts for top journals in the fields of communication and media studies that begin with some variant of “there isn’t much literature to review,” before launching into the study at hand. Invariably, I am able to point the authors of these manuscripts to numerous instances of scholarly work that have already addressed their specific object of study for them to consider in the interpretation of their results and formation of their theoretical arguments.

My aim in providing this bibliography is to aid scholars in finding relevant literature on transgender topics in communication and media studies before completing their work and submitting it for peer review, as well as to aid students in introducing themselves to this field of study. Importantly, this bibliography is an ongoing project—one that is by no means claim is comprehensive and one that is perpetually incomplete. So, if you note a study is missing that should be included here, please contact me to let me know. Also know that no omissions are deliberate, but merely failures on my part to either (a) find the work or (b) update this page.

All references are listed in the Author-Date format specified in The Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition), and where possible I have included links to the articles, books, or chapters. Note, I have not included dissertations/theses or papers presented at conferences in this bibliography. 

Abbott, Traci B. 2013. “The Trans/Romance Dilemma in Transamerica and Other Films.” Journal of American Culture 36 (1): 32–41. doi:10.1111/jacc.12011

Abbott, Traci B. 2022. The History of Trans Representation in American Television and Film Genres. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Adams, Mary Alice. 2015. “Traversing the Transcape: A Brief Etymological History of Trans* Terminology.” In Transgender Communication Studies: Histories, Trends, and Trajectories, edited by Leland G. Spencer and Jamie C. Capuzza. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Ahmed, Alex A. 2018. “Trans Competent Interaction Design: A Qualitative Study on Voice, Identity, and Technology.” Interacting with Computers 30 (1): 53–71. doi:10.1093/iwc/iwx018

Aizura, Aren Z. 2018. Mobile Subjects: Transnational Imaginaries of Gender Reassignment. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Åkerlund, Mathilda. 2019. “Representations of Trans People in Swedish Newspapers.” Journalism Studies 20 (9): 1319–38. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2018.1513816

Arune, Willow. 2006. “Transgender Images in the Media.” In News and Sexuality: Media Portraits of Diversity, edited by Laura Casteñada and Shannon B. Campbell, 110–33. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Bailey, Moya, micha cárdenas, Laura Horak, Lokeilani Kaimana, Cáel M. Keegan, Geneveive Newman, Roxane Samer, and Raffi Sarkissian. 2017. “Sense8: A Roundtable.” The Spectator 37 (2): 58–64.

Banks, Beck. 2021. “A Visible Absence: Trans-Masculine People on the Screen.Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies 18 (1), 46-65.

Banks, Beck, and Miche Dreiling. 2021. “Queer and Trans Filmmaking: A New Pedagogy.Jump Cut 60.

Barcelos, Chris A. 2019. “‘Bye-bye Boobies’: Normativity, Deservingness and Medicalisation in Transgender Medical Crowdfunding.” Culture, Health & Sexuality 21 (12): 1394–408. doi:10.1080/13691058.2019.1566971

Baril, Alexandre. 2017. “Temporalité Trans: Identité de Genre, Temps Transitoire et Éthique Médiatique.Enfances Familles Générations 27.

Baril, Alexandre. 2018. “Confessing Society, Confessing Cis-tem: Rethinking Consent through Intimate Images of Trans* People in the Media.” Frontiers 39 (2): 1–25. doi:10.5250/fronjwomestud.39.2.0001

Barker-Plummer, Bernadette. 2013. “Fixing Gwen: News and the Mediation of (Trans)gender Challenges.” Feminist Media Studies 13 (4): 710–24. doi:10.1080/14680777.2012.679289

Barnett, Joshua Trey. 2015. “Fleshy Metamorphosis: Temporal Pedagogies of Transsexual Counterpublics.” In Transgender Communication Studies: Histories, Trends, and Trajectories, edited by Leland G. Spencer and Jamie C. Capuzza. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Becker, Amy B., and Maureen E. Todd. 2018. “Watching the Evolution of the American Family? Amazon’s Transparent, Ecological Systems Theory, and the Changing Dynamics of Public Opinion.” Journal of Homosexuality 65 (9): 1120–37. doi:10.1080/00918369.2017.1406212

Beemyn, Genny, and Susan Rankin. 2011. The Lives of Transgender People. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.

Bettcher, Talia Mae. 2007. “Evil Deceivers and Make‐Believers: On Transphobic Violence and the Politics of Illusion.” Hypatia 22 (3): 43–65. doi:10.1111/j.1527-2001.2007.tb01090.x

Billard, Thomas J. 2016. “Writing in the Margins: Mainstream News Media Representations of Transgenderism.International Journal of Communication 10: 4193–218.

Billard, Thomas J. 2019. “Experimental Evidence for Differences in the Prosocial Effects of Binge-Watched versus Appointment-Viewed Television Programs.Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 96 (4): 1025 –1051. doi:10.1177/1077699019843856

Billard, Thomas J. 2019. “(No) Shame in the Game: The Influence of Pornography Viewing on Attitudes Toward Transgender People.Communication Research Reports 36 (1): 45–56. doi:10.1080/08824096.2018.1549539

Billard, Thomas J. 2019. “Out of the Tower and Into the Field: Fieldwork as Public Scholarship in the Face of Social Injustice.International Journal of Communication 13: 3512–3528.

Billard, Thomas J. 2019. “‘Passing’ and the Politics of Deception: Transgender Bodies, Cisgender Aesthetics, and the Policing of Inconspicuous Marginal Identities.” In The Palgrave Handbook of Deceptive Communication, edited by Tony Docan-Morgan, 463–477. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Billard, Thomas J. 2019. “Setting the Transgender Agenda: Intermedia Agenda-Setting in the Digital News Environment.Politics, Groups, and Identities 7 (1): 165–76. doi:10.1080/21565503.2018.1532302

Billard, Thomas J. 2021. “Movement–Media Relations in the Hybrid Media System: A Case Study from the U.S. Transgender Rights Movement.” International Journal of Press/Politics 26 (2): 341–61. doi:10.1177/1940161220968525

Billard, Thomas J. 2021. “News Media Representations.” In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies, edited by Genny Beemyn and Abbie Goldberg, 569–572. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. doi:10.4135/9781544393858.n196

Billard, Thomas J. 2022. “Together We Rise: The Role of Communication and Community Connectedness in Transgender Citizens’ Civic Engagement in the United States.Mass Communication and Society 25 (3): 335–360.

Billard, Thomas J. “Deciding What’s (Sharable) News: Social Movement Organizations as Curating Actors in the Political Information System.Communication Monographs, in press. doi:10.1080/03637751.2021.1999998

Billard, Thomas J, and Brian L. MacAuley. 2017. “‘It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s a Transgender Superhero!’: Transgender Characters in Marvel, DC, and Image Comics.” In Heroes, Heroines, and Everything in Between: Challenging Gender and Sexuality Stereotypes in Children’s Entertainment Media, edited by CarrieLynn D. Reinhard and Christopher J. Olson, 233–52. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Billard, Thomas J, and Sam Nesfield. 2020. “(Re)making ‘Transgender’ Identities in Global Media and Popular Culture.” In Trans Lives in a Globalizing World: Rights, Identities, and Politics, edited by J. Michael Ryan. New York, NY: Routledge. 

Billard, Thomas J, Traci B. Abbott, Oliver L. Haimson, Kelsey N. Whipple, Stephenson Brooks Whitestone, and Erique Zhang. 2020. “Rethinking (and Retheorizing) Transgender Media Representation: A Roundtable Discussion.International Journal of Communication 14: 4494–4507.

Billard, Thomas J, and Erique Zhang. 2022. “Toward a Transgender Critique of Media Representation.Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 61 (2): 194–199.

Birrell, Susan, and Cheryl L. Cole. 1990. “Double Fault: Renee Richards and the Construction and Naturalization of Difference.” Sociology of Sport Journal 7 (1): 1–21. doi:10.1123/ssj.7.1.1

Bivens, Rena. 2017. “The Gender Binary Will Not be Deprogrammed: Ten Years of Coding Gender on Facebook.” New Media & Society 19 (6): 880–98. doi:10.1177/1461444815621527

Bivens, Rena, and Oliver L. Haimson. 2016. “Baking Gender Into Social Media Design: How Platforms Shape Categories for Users and Advertisers.” Social Media + Society. doi:10.1177/2056305116672486

Bloomfield, Emma Frances. 2018. “Argumentation in the Identity Politics of the Trans Selfie: Recovering Greek Mythology to Analyze Contemporary Gender Arguments.” In Recovering Argument, edited by Randall Lake, 281–86. New York, NY: Routledge.

Bode, Leticia, and Timothy Hildebrandt. “The Next Trans-Atlantic Frontier: Examining the Impact of Language Choice on Support for Transgender Policies in the United Kingdom and the United States.” Atlantic Journal of Communication 26 (4): 240–50. doi:10.1080/15456870.2018.1494178

Booth, E. Tristan. 2011. “Queering Queer Eye: The Stability of Gay Identity Confronts the Liminality of Trans Embodiment.” Western Journal of Communication 75 (2): 185–204. doi:10.1080/10570314.2011.553876

Booth, E. Tristan. 2015. “The Provisional Acknowledgment of Identity Claims in Televised Documentary.” In Transgender Communication Studies: Histories, Trends, and Trajectories, edited by Leland G. Spencer and Jamie C. Capuzza. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Booth, E. Tristan, and Leland G. Spencer. 2016. “Sitting in Silence: Managing Aural Body Rhetoric in Public Restrooms.” Communication Studies 67 (2): 209–26. doi:10.1080/10510974.2015.1122657

Borba, Rodrigo. 2019. “The Interactional Making of a “True Transsexual”: Language and (Dis)identification in Trans-specific Healthcare.” International Journal of the Sociology of Language 256: 21–56. doi:10.1515/ijsl-2018-2011

Brady, Anita. “Keeping Away from the Kardashians: Celebrity Worth and the Re-masculinising of Caitlyn Jenner.” Celebrity Studies 7 (1): 115–18. doi:10.1080/19392397.2016.1131011

Broockman, David, and Joshua Kalla. 2016. “Durably Reducing Transphobia: A Field Experiment on Door-to-Door Canvassing.” Science 352 (6282): 202–24. doi:10.1126/science.aad9713

Bronstein, Carolyn. 2020. “Pornography, Trans Visibility, and the Demise of Tumblr.” Trangender Studies Quarterly 7 (2): 240–54. doi:10.1215/23289252-8143407

Brown, Melissa, Rashawn Ray, Ed Summers, and Neil Fraistat. 2017. “#SayHerName: A Case Study of Intersectional Social Media Activism.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 40 (11): 1831–46. doi:10.1080/01419870.2017.1334934

Brubaker, Rogers. 2016. Trans: Gender and Race in an Age of Unsettled Identities. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Buss, Justin, Hayden Le, and Oliver L Haimson. “Transgender Identity Management Across Social Media Platforms.” Media, Culture & Society, in press. doi:10.1177/01634437211027106

Campbell, Peter Odell, and Cory Holding. 2015. “The Trans-Exclusive Archives of U.S. Capital Punishment Rhetoric.” In Transgender Communication Studies: Histories, Trends, and Trajectories, edited by Leland G. Spencer and Jamie C. Capuzza. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Cannon, Yuliya, Stacy Speedlin, Joe Avera, Derek Robertson, Mercedes Ingram, and Ashely Prado. 2017. “Transition, Connection, Disconnection, and Social Media: Examining the Digital Lived Experiences of Transgender Individuals.” Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling 11 (2): 68–87. doi:10.1080/15538605.2017.1310006

Capuzza, Jamie C. 2014. “Who Defines Gender Diversity? Sourcing Routines and Representation in Mainstream U.S. News Stories about Transgenderism.” International Journal of Transgenderism 15 (3–4): 115–28. doi:10.1080/15532739.2014.946195

Capuzza, Jamie C. 2015. “What’s in a Name? Transgender Identity, Metareporting, and the Misgendering of Chelsea Manning.” In Transgender Communication Studies: Histories, Trends, and Trajectories, edited by Leland G. Spencer and Jamie C. Capuzza. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Capuzza, Jamie C. 2016. “Improvements Still Needed for Transgender Coverage.” Newspaper Research Journal 37 (1): 82–94. doi:10.1177/0739532916634642

Capuzza, Jamie C., and Leland G. Spencer. 2018. “Regressing, Progressing, or Transgressing on the Small Screen? Transgender Characters on U.S. Scripted Television Series.” Communication Studies 65 (2): 214–30. doi:10.1080/01463373.2016.1221438

Carlson, Shanna T. “The Danish Girl’s Death Drive.” Trangender Studies Quarterly 4 (3–4): 675–78. doi:10.1215/23289252-4190055

cárdenas, micha. 2010. “Becoming Dragon: A Transversal Technology Study.” CTheory

cárdenas, micha. 2015. “Shifting Futures: Digital Trans of Color Praxis.” Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology 6. doi:10.7264/N3WH2N8D

cárdenas, micha. 2016. “Dilating Destiny: Writing the Transreal Body through Game Design.” Jump Cut 57.

cárdenas, micha. 2018. “Monstrous Children of Pregnant Androids: Latinx Futures after Orlando.” GLQ 24 (1): 26–31. doi:10.1215/10642684-4254423

Cavalcante, Andre. 2013. “Centering Transgender Identity via the Textual Periphery: TransAmerica and the ‘Double Work’ of Paratexts.” Critical Studies in Media Communication 30 (2): 85–101. doi:10.1080/15295036.2012.694077

Cavalcante, Andre. 2016. “‘I Did It All Online:’ Transgender Identity and the Management of Everyday Life” Critical Studies in Media Communication 33 (1): 109–22. doi:10.1080/15295036.2015.1129065

Cavalcante, Andre. 2017. “Breaking into Transgender Life: Transgender Audiences’ Experiences with ‘First of Its Kind’ Visibility in Popular Media.” Communication, Culture & Critique 10 (3): 538–55. doi:10.1111/cccr.12165

Cavalcante, Andre. 2018. Struggling for Ordinary: Media and Transgender Belonging in Everyday Life. New York, NY: New York University Press.

Cavanagh, Sheila L. 2019. “Transcryptums: An Ettingerian Reading of the Trans-subjective Landscape in Transparent.” Trangender Studies Quarterly 6 (1): 20–42. doi:10.1215/23289252-7253468

Chare, Nicholas. 2016. “Landscape into Portrait: Reflections on Lili Elbe and Trans* Aesthetics.” Parallax 22 (3): 347–65. doi:10.1080/13534645.2016.1201924

Chávez, Karma R. 2010. “Spatializing Gender Performativity: Ecstasy and Possibilities for Livable Life in the Tragic Case of Victoria Arellano.” Women’s Studies in Communication 33 (1): 1–15. doi:10.1080/07491401003669729

Cipolletta, Sabrina, Riccardo Votadoro, and Elena Faccio. 2017. “Online Support for Transgender People: An Analysis of Forums and Social Networks.” Health and Social Care in the Community 25 (5): 1542–51. doi:10.1111/hsc.12448

Ciszek, Erica. 2020. “The Man Behind the Woman: Publicity, Celebrity Public Relations, and Cultural Intermediation.” Public Relations Inquiry 9 (2): 135–54. doi:10.1177/2046147X20920821

Ciszek, Erica, and Nathan Shae Rodriguez. 2020. “Articulating Transgender Subjectivity: How Discursive Formations Perpetuate Regimes of Power.” International Journal of Communication 14: 5199–217.

Ciszek, Erica, Richard Mocarski, Sarah Price, and Elaine Almeida. 2021. “Discursive Stickiness: Affective Institutional Texts and Activist Resistance.” Public Relations Inquiry, in press. doi:10.1177/2046147x211008388

Cloud, Dana L. 2014. “Private Manning and the Chamber of Secrets.” QED 1 (1): 80–104. doi:10.14321/qed.1.1.0080

Cole, Joshua Bastian. 2018. “Passing Glances: Recognizing the Trans Gaze in Mulholland Drive.” Somatechnics 8 (1): 79–94. doi:10.3366/soma.2018.0238

Copier, Laura, and Eliza Steinbock. 2018. “On Not Really Being There: Trans* Presence/Absence in Dallas Buyers Club.” Feminist Media Studies 18 (5): 923–41. doi:10.1080/14680777.2017.1393833

Costanza-Chock, Sasha. 2018. “Design Justice, A.I., and Escape from the Matrix of Domination.” Journal of Design and Science. doi:10.21428/96c8d426

Costanza-Chock, Sasha, Chris Schweidler, and the Transformative Media Organizing Project. 2017. “Toward Transformative Media Organizing: LGBTQ and Two-Spirit Media Work in the United States.” Media, Culture & Society 39 (2): 159–84. doi:10.1177/0163443716674360

Cowan, Sharon. 2009. “‘We Walk Among You’: Trans Identity Politics Goes to the Movies.” Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 21 (1): 91–117. doi:10.1353/jwl.0.0033

Cram, Emily Dianne. 2012. “‘Angie was Our Sister:’ Witnessing the Trans-Formation of Disgust in the Citizenry of Photography.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 98 (4): 411–38. doi:10.1080/00335630.2012.714899

Dame, Avery. 2013. “I’m Your Hero? Like Me? The Role of Expert in the Trans Male Vlog.” Journal of Language and Sexuality 2 (1): 40–69. doi:10.1075/jls.2.1.02dam

Dame, Avery. 2016. “Making a Name for Yourself: Tagging as Transgender Ontological Practice on Tumblr.” Critical Studies in Media Communication 33 (1): 23–37. doi:10.1080/15295036.2015.1130846

Dame, Avery. 2016. “Mapping the Territory: Archiving the Trans Website in an Age of Search.” Trangender Studies Quarterly 3 (3–4): 628–36. doi:10.1215/23289252-3545311

Dame-Griff, Avery. 2019. “Herding the ‘Performing Elephants’: Using Computational Methods to Study Usenet.” Internet Histories 3 (3–4): 223–44. doi:10.1080/24701475.2019.1652456

Darwin, Helana. 2017. “Doing Gender Beyond the Binary: A Virtual Ethnography.” Symbolic Interaction 40 (3): 317–34. doi:10.1002/symb.316

DeJong, Christina, Karen Holt, Brenna Helm, and Skyler J. Morgan. “‘A Human Being Like Other Victims’: The Media Framing of Trans Homicide in the United States.” Critical Criminology, in press. doi:10.1007/s10612-021-09559-z

Deutsch, Madeline B. 2016. “Evaluation of Patient-Oriented, Internet-Based Information on Gender-Affirming Hormone Treatments.” LGBT Health 3 (3): 200–07. doi:10.1089/lgbt.2015.0116

Dixon, Jenny. 2015. “The Workplace Socialization of Gender Identity: A Phenomenological Exploration of Being Transgender at Work.” In Transgender Communication Studies: Histories, Trends, and Trajectories, edited by Leland G. Spencer and Jamie C. Capuzza. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Dunn, Eli. 2016. “Steven Universe, Fusion Magic, and the Queer Cartoon Carnivalesque.” Gender Forum 56: 44–57.

Dunn, Thomas R. 2015. “Historical Trans-cription: Struggling with Memory in Paris Is Burning.” In Transgender Communication Studies: Histories, Trends, and Trajectories, edited by Leland G. Spencer and Jamie C. Capuzza. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Edwards, Monica. 2010. “Transconversations: New Media, Community, and Identity.” In LGBT Identity and Online New Media, edited by Christopher Pullen and Margaret Cooper. New York, NY: Routledge.

Ekins, Richard, and Dave King. 2010. “The Emergence of New Transgendering Identities in the Age of the Internet.” In Transgender Identities: Towards a Social Analysis of Gender Diversity, edited by Sally Hines and Tam Sanger, 25–42. New York, NY: Routledge.

Erlick, Eli. 2018. “Trans Youth Activism on the Internet.” Frontiers 39 (1): 73–92. doi:10.5250/fronjwomestud.39.1.0073

Escoffier, Jeffrey. 2011. “Imagining the She/Male: Pornography and the Transsexualization of the Heterosexual Male.” Studies in Gender and Sexuality 12 (4): 268–81. doi:10.1080/15240657.2011.610230

Espineira, Karine. 2016. “Transgender and Transsexual People’s Sexuality in the Media.” Parallax 22 (3): 323–29. doi:10.1080/13534645.2016.1201922

Evans, Yolanda N., Samantha J. Gridley, Julia Crouch, Alicia Wang, Megan A. Moreno, Kym Ahrens, and David J. Breland. 2017. “Understanding Online Resource Use by Transgender Youth and Caregivers: A Qualitative Study.” Transgender Health 2 (1): 129–39. doi:10.1089/trgh.2017.0011

Farber, Rebecca. 2017. “‘Transing’ Fitness and Remapping Transgender Male Masculinity in Online Message Boards.” Journal of Gender Studies 26 (3): 254–68. doi:10.1080/09589236.2016.1250618

Farnel, Megan. 2015. “Kickstarting Trans*: The Crowdfunding of Gender/Sexual Reassignment Surgeries.” New Media & Society 17 (2): 215–30. doi:10.1177/1461444814558911

Farr, Daniel. 2010. “A Very Personal World: Advertisement and Identity of Trans-persons on Craigslist.” In LGBT Identity and Online New Media, edited by Christopher Pullen and Margaret Cooper. New York, NY: Routledge.

Feder, Sam, and Alexandra Juhasz. 2016. “Does Visibility Equal Progress? A Conversation on Trans Activist Media.” Jump Cut 57.

Fink, Katherine, and Ruth Palmer. 2020. “‘We Have to Stand Out to Blend In’: Ordinary Transgender People Speak About Being Subjects of News Stories.” Journalism Studies 21 (8): 1109–1126. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2019.1699851

Fink, Marty, and Quinn Miller. 2014. “Trans Media Moments: Tumblr, 2011–2013.” Television & New Media 15 (7): 611–26. doi:10.1177/1527476413505002

Fischer, Mia. 2016. “#Free_CeCe: The Material Convergence of Social Media Activism.” Feminist Media Studies 16 (5): 755–71. doi:10.1080/14680777.2016.1140668

Fischer, Mia. 2017. “Trans Responses to Adichie: Challenging Cis Privilege in Popular Feminism.” Feminist Media Studies 17 (5): 896–99. doi:10.1080/14680777.2017.1350520

Fischer, Mia. 2018. “Queer and Feminist Approaches to Transgender Media Studies.” In Feminist Approaches to Media Theory and Research, edited by Dustin Harp, Jaime Loke, and Ingrid Bachmann, 93–107. Cham, CH: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-90838-0_7

Fischer, Mia. 2019. Terrorizing Gender: Transgender Visibility and the Surveillance Practices of the U.S. Security State. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.

Ford, Akkadia. 2017. “The Dallas Buyers Club: Who’s Buying It?” Trangender Studies Quarterly 4 (1): 135–40. doi:10.1215/23289252-3711601

Fritz, Nikki, and Amy Gonzales. 2018. “Not the Normal Trans Story: Negotiating Trans Narratives While Crowdfunding at the Margins.International Journal of Communication 12: 1189–208.

Funk, Steven. 2018. “A Trans*+ Media Literacy Framework for Navigating the Dynamically Shifting Terrain of Gender in Media: Considering Assessment of Key Competencies.” In Promoting Global Competencies Through Media Literacy, edited by Melda N. Yildiz, Steven S. Funk, and Belinha S. De Abreu, 216–39. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-3082-4.ch014

Funk, Steven, and Jaydi Funk. 2016. “An Analysis of Transparent Through Dispossession.” Series 2 (1): 69–79. doi:10.6092/issn.2421-454X/6165

Funk, Steven, and Jaydi Funk. 2016. “Transgender Dispossession in Transparent: Coming Out as a Euphemism for Honesty.” Sexuality & Culture 20 (4): 879–905. doi:10.1007/s12119-016-9363-0

Gauthier, DeAnn K., and Nancy K. Chaudoir. 2004. “Tranny Boyz: Cyber Community Support in Negotiating Sex and Gender Mobility Among Female to Male Transsexuals.” Deviant Behavior 25 (4): 375–98. doi:10.1080/01639620490441272

Gilbert, Aster. 2020. “Sissy Remixed: Trans* Porno Remix and Constructing the Trans* Subject.” Trangender Studies Quarterly 7 (2): 222–36. doi:10.1215/23289252-8143379

Gillig, Traci K., Erica L. Rosenthal, Sheila T. Murphy, and Kate Langrall Folb. 2018. “More than a Media Moment: The Influence of Televised Storylines on Viewers’ Attitudes toward Transgender People and Policies.” Sex Roles 78 (7-8): 515–27. doi:10.1007/s11199-017-0816-1

Glover, Julian Kevon. 2016. “Redefining Realness? On Janet Mock, Laverne Cox, TS Madison, and the Representation of Transgender Women of Color in Media.” Souls 18 (2–4): 338–57. doi:10.1080/10999949.2016.1230824

Gold, RL. 2020. “Staging Pedagogy in Trans Masculine Porn.” Trangender Studies Quarterly 7 (2): 208–21. doi:10.1215/23289252-8143365

Gossett, Reina, Eric A. Stanley, and Johanna Burton, eds. 2017. Trap Door: Trans Cultural Production and the Politics of Visibility. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Graber, Shane M. 2018. “The Bathroom Boogeyman: A Qualitative Analysis of How the Houston Chronicle Framed the Equal Rights Ordinance.” Journalism Practice 12 (7): 870–87. doi:10.1080/17512786.2017.1358651

Grist, Leighton. 2003. “‘It’s Only a Piece of Meat’: Gender Ambiguity, Sexuality, and Politics in The Crying Game and M. Butterfly.Cinema Journal 42 (4): 3–28.

Gross, Larry. 2005. “The Past and Future of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies.” Journal of Communication 55 (3): 508–28. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2005.tb02683.x

Gupta, Kat. 2019. “Response and Responsibility: Mainstream Media and Lucy Meadows in a Post-Leveson Context.” Sexualities 22 (1–2): 31–47. doi:10.1177/1363460717740259

Hackl, Andrea M., Amy B. Becker, and Maureen E. Todd. 2016. “‘I Am Chelsea Manning’: Comparison of Gendered Representation of Private Manning in U.S. and International News Media.” Journal of Homosexuality 63 (4): 467-86. doi:10.1080/00918369.2015.1088316

Haimson, Oliver. 2019. “Mapping Gender Transition Sentiment Patterns via Social Media Data: Toward Decreasing Transgender Mental Health Disparities.” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 26 (8–9): 749–58. doi:10.1093/jamia/ocz056

Haimson, Oliver. 2020. “Challenging ‘Getting Better’ Social Media Narratives With Intersectional Transgender Lived Experiences.” Social Media + Society 6 (1). doi:10.1177/2056305120905365

Haimson, Oliver L., and Anna Lauren Hoffmann. 2016. “Constructing and Enforcing ‘Authentic’ Identity Online: Facebook, Real Names, and Non-normative Identities.” First Monday 21 (6). doi:10.5210/fm.v21i6.6791

Halberstam, Jack. 2001. “Telling Tales: Brandon Teena, Billy Tipton, and Transgender Biography.” In Passing: Identity and Interpretation in Sexuality, Race, and Religion, edited by Maria C. Sánchez and Linda Schlossberg, 13–37. New York, NY: New York University Press.

Halberstam, Jack. 2005. In a Queer Time and Place: Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives. New York, NY: New York University Press.

Halberstam, Jack. 2010. “The Transgender Look.” In The Feminism and Visual Culture Reader, edited by Amelia Jones. New York, NY: Routledge.

Halberstam, Jack. 2016. “Trans*-Gender Transitivity and New Configurations of Body, History, Memory and Kinship.” Parallax 22 (3): 366–75. doi:10.1080/13534645.2016.1201925

Hale, C. Jacob. 1998. “Consuming the Living, Dis(re)membering the Dead in the Butch/FTM Borderlands.” GLQ 4 (2): 311–48. doi:10.1215/10642684-4-2-311

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