Curriculum vitae



Billard, Thomas J. 2024. Voices for Transgender Equality: Making Change in the Networked Public Sphere. New York: Oxford University Press.

Billard, Thomas J, and Silvio Waisbord. 2024. Public Scholarship in Communication Studies. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Journal articles

Billard, Thomas J. 2016. “Fonts of Potential: Areas for Typographic Research in Political Communication.International Journal of Communication 10: 4570–4592.

Billard, Thomas J. 2016. “Writing in the Margins: Mainstream News Media Representations of Transgenderism.International Journal of Communication 10: 4193–4218.

Billard, Thomas J. 2018. “Attitudes Toward Transgender Men and Women: Development and Validation of a New Measure.Frontiers in Psychology 9 (387).

Billard, Thomas J. 2018. “Citizen Typography and Political Brands in the 2016 US Presidential Election Campaign.Marketing Theory 18 (3): 421–431.

Billard, Thomas J. 2019. “Experimental Evidence for Differences in the Prosocial Effects of Binge-Watched versus Appointment-Viewed Television Programs.Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 96 (4): 1025–1051.

Billard, Thomas J. 2019. “(No) Shame in the Game: The Influence of Pornography Viewing on Attitudes Toward Transgender People.Communication Research Reports 36 (1): 45–56.

Billard, Thomas J. 2019. “Out of the Tower and Into the Field: Fieldwork as Public Scholarship in the Face of Social Injustice.International Journal of Communication 13: 3512–3528.

Billard, Thomas J. 2019. “Setting the Transgender Agenda: Intermedia Agenda-Setting in the Digital News Environment.Politics, Groups, and Identities 7 (1): 165–176.

Billard, Thomas J. 2021. “Movement–Media Relations in the Hybrid Media System: A Case Study from the US Transgender Rights Movement.International Journal of Press/Politics 26 (2): 341–361.

Billard, Thomas J. 2022. “Deciding What’s (Sharable) News: Social Movement Organizations as Curating Actors in the Political Information System.Communication Monographs 89 (3): 354–375.

Billard, Thomas J. 2022. “Together We Rise: The Role of Communication and Community Connectedness in Transgender Citizens’ Civic Engagement in the United States.Mass Communication and Society 25 (3): 335–360.

Billard, Thomas J. 2023. “‘Gender Critical’ Discourse as Disinformation: Unpacking TERF Strategies of Political Communication.Women’s Studies in Communication 46 (2): 235–243.

Billard, Thomas J. 2023. “The Origins and Development of the National Transgender Rights Movement in the United States of America.Journal of Social History 57 (2): 296–318.

Billard, Thomas J. 2023. “Preserving Transgender History in its Own Right: A Case Study of the Trans Equality Archive.Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies 2 (1–2): 119–127.

Billard, Thomas J. 2024. “The Politics of Anti-Transgender Health Misinformation.Political Communication 41 (2): 344–352.

Billard, Thomas J, Traci B. Abbott, Oliver L. Haimson, Kelsey N. Whipple, Stephenson Brooks Whitestone, and Erique Zhang. 2020. “Rethinking (and Retheorizing) Transgender Media Representation: A Roundtable Discussion.International Journal of Communication 14: 4494–4507.

Billard, Thomas J, Avery R. Everhart, and Erique Zhang. 2022. “Whither Trans Studies? On Fields, Post-Disciplines, and the Need for an Applied Transgender Studies.Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies 1 (1–2): 1–18.

Billard, Thomas J, and Rachel E. Moran. 2020. “Networked Political Brands: Consumption, Community, and Political Expression in Contemporary Brand Culture.Media, Culture & Society 42 (4): 588–604.

Billard, Thomas J, and Rachel E. Moran. 2023. “Designing Trust: Design Style, Political Ideology, and Trust in ‘Fake’ News Websites.Digital Journalism 11 (3): 519–546.

Billard, Thomas J, and Erique Zhang. 2022. “Toward a Transgender Critique of Media Representation.JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 61 (2): 194–199.

Walter, Nathan, Thomas J Billard, and Sheila T. Murphy. 2017. “On the Boundaries of Framing Terrorism: Guilt, Victimization, and the 2016 Orlando Shooting.Mass Communication and Society 20 (6): 849–868.

Book chapters

Billard, Thomas J. 2019. “‘Passing’ and the Politics of Deception: Transgender Bodies, Cisgender Aesthetics, and the Policing of Inconspicuous Marginal Identities.” In The Palgrave Handbook of Deceptive Communication, edited by Tony Docan-Morgan, 463–477. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Billard, Thomas J. 2021. “News Media Representations.” In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies, edited by Genny Beemyn and Abbie Goldberg, 569–572. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Billard, Thomas J, and Larry Gross. 2020. “LGBTQ Politics in Media and Culture.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, edited by William R. Thompson. New York: Oxford University Press.

Billard, Thomas J, and Brian L. MacAuley. 2017. “‘It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s a Transgender Superhero!’: Transgender Characters in Marvel, DC, and Image Comics.” In Heroes, Heroines, and Everything in Between: Challenging Gender and Sexuality Stereotypes in Children’s Entertainment Media, edited by CarrieLynn D. Reinhard and Christopher J. Olson, 233–252. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Billard, Thomas J, and Sam Nesfield. 2021. “(Re)making ‘Transgender’ Identities in Global Media and Popular Culture.” In Trans Lives in a Globalizing World: Rights, Identities, and Politics, edited by J. Michael Ryan, 66–89. New York: Routledge.

Capuzza, Jamie C., Leland G. Spencer, Thomas J Billard, E. Tristan Booth, matthew heinz, Sarah Jones, and Lucy J. Miller. 2020. “Transing Communication Education: A Chorus of Voices.” In Queer Communication Pedagogy, edited by Ahmet Atay and Sandra L. Pensoneau-Conway, 107–129. New York: Routledge.

Jenkins, Henry, and Thomas J Billard. 2018. “Participatory Politics.” In Keywords in Remix Studies, edited by Eduardo Navas, Owen Gallagher, and xtine burrough, 230–245. New York: Routledge.

Moran, Rachel E., and Thomas J Billard. 2020. “Imagining Resistance to Trump through the Networked Branding of the National Park Service.” In Popular Culture and the Civic Imagination: Case Studies of Creative Social Change, edited by Henry Jenkins, Gabriel Peters-Lazaro, and Sangita Shresthova, 231–240. New York: New York University Press.

Essays and reviews

Billard, Thomas J. 2016. Review of Transgender Communication Studies: Histories, Trends, and Trajectories, edited by Leland G. Spencer and Jamie C. Capuzza. Journal of Communication 66 (2): E11–E13.

Billard, Thomas J. 2018. “The Crisis in Content Validity Among Existing Measures of Transphobia.Archives of Sexual Behavior 47 (5): 1305–1306.

Billard, Thomas J. 2019. “What Do Queers Do With Media? Two Different Visions of Media Power and LGBTQ Identity.International Journal of Communication 13: 2073–2077.

Billard, Thomas J. 2020. “On Fitting in the Field: The Place of Social Science in Trans Studies.TSQ*Now.

Billard, Thomas J, Jeffrey H. D. Cornelius-White, and Naiara Ozamiz-Etxebarria. 2023. “Anti-Transgender Prejudice: Causes, Consequences, and Interventions.Frontiers in Psychology 14: 1282109.